User Guide for the Day Marking window
Calendar days can be marked by adding a short text with a specified text and background color to the top bar of a day cell.
This window shows a form with all editable fields of a day marking.
Description of fields:
- Text: Free format text field with a maximum length of 30 characters. The following HTML tags are allowed in the text field: <b>, <i>, <u> and <s> for bold, italic, underlined and strike-through text. The text field accepts all characters of the Universal Transformation Format utf-8
- Color: Two fields to specify the text and background color of the marking text. When clicking a field, a color picker will appear.
- Start date: The start date of the marking, which can be selected via the date picker or can be typed in the date field.
- End date: The end date is optional. When an end date is specified, the marking will become a multi-day marking.
- Repeat fields: Possible repeat options. Repeat options can be combined with multi-day options.
- Added: Date, time and user who added the event.
- Edited: Date, time and user who last edited the event. This information is only shown if the event was edited at least 10 minutes after it was added.
Note: When different day markings overlap, one of the markings will overrule the other.