Catholic Survey – 2014
Catholics in England and Wales

Data from the Catholic Directory with numbers of Catholics and Priests from 1912-2011. Key Points Weekly mass attendance fell between 30.7% between 1993 and 2010, as compared to corresponding falls of 10.9% in the Catholic population and 9.4% in the number of priests over the same period. In the 50…
UK Prayer Survey
UK Census – 2011
US Religion Survey
Religion and Social Media
Multinational Survey

A 2006 Survey by Harris Interactive found that: 28% of Americans and 56% of British persons felt that religion should be taught in state schools. 32% of French persons claimed to be atheist. 84% of Spanish persons believed in the separation of church and state. Source: Harris Interactive Poll, 2006.…
US Protestant Survey

A 2008 survey of Mainline Protestant clergy conducted by Public Religion Research found that: 33% believed same sex couples should be allowed to marry, against 35% who believed there should be no legal recognition of such relationships. The remainder believed that civil unions were appropriate. 13% believed Abortion should be…