A You Gov Survey was held in the UK over the period 13th April - 20th May 2011 (with a sample size of 64,303).
The survey asked a number of questions on religion.
Note: Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Belief in God
In answer to the following question:
Which of the following best reflects your view?
- 20% said "I believe there is a God or gods who hears our prayers and intervenes in the world"
- 14% said "I believe there is a God or gods, but he/she/they do not intervene in the world"
- 10% said "I do not believe in a God, but do believe in some higher spiritual power"
- 23% said "I am not sure what I believe"
- 6% said "I am an agnostic"
- 19% said "I do not believe there is a God or gods, or any other spiritual power"
- 7% said either "None of these" or "Do not know"
Attendance at a place of worship
The following question was asked:
Excluding events for friends and family such as christenings, bar mitzvas, weddings and
funerals, how often, if ever, do you attend a place of worship (church, mosque, synagogue,
- 0% said "Every Day"
- 2% said "Several times a week"
- 5% said "Once a week"
- 2% said "Several times a month"
- 2% said "Once a month"
- 27% said "Less than once a month"
- 59% said "Never"
- 2% said "Don't know"
Other Questions
Thinking about religion, to what extent, if at all,
do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Religion is a cause of much misery and conflict
in the world today
Religion should be a private matter and has no
place in politics
All religions are equally valid
The decline of organised religion has made
Britain a worse place